Test your skills in saying the right thing at the right time—or at least convincingly pretending to! Whether it's the heart of the hottest girl, landing a job, cheering a big scary guy, perfect your build and prove yourself Worth of...mass-production! This is gonna be your game if you like roguelike mechanics seasoned with silly vibes.

How to play:

Buy pieces to make your robot! Each of them has unique characteristics. 

ASSEMBLE IT!!! Experiment with various builds and create the perfect robot.

Show them you love doing human activities such as drinking water, being a corporate slave and turning O₂ into CO₂!

Looks amazing, right?


Amaryllis Cancellara (AmaryllisMyo) | Game Design & Art |  https://twitter.com/amaryllismyoart

Giorgio Pomettini  | Game Design & Programming  |  https://twitter.com/dreamquest

Jeremy Da Roit | Music & Sound Design  |  https://itch.io/profile/trace98

Noemi Frulio  |  Art |  https://twitter.com/MordorNanna

A special thanks to Steph for the voice lines and to https://itch.io/profile/feelp0 for tech art consulting!


HAC_V6_Win.zip 34 MB


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Really cute and pretty polished concept!

I really like the idea of buying components for your robot and balancing your stats, makes for an interesting game loop.

If I have to give you guys some feedback, it's mostly on the speech bubbles: for the amount of text inside them, theres too little time to read them, and since they're important for one to win, I felt a little frustrated.

Overall I liked it, it was fun and the art was pretty cute!


Thank you so much for taking the time for giving us extensive feedback!